

Words — 8 found

Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to move; to shift; to stir; to budge; to change position
  • ここ
  • から
  • あそこ
  • この
  • いし
  • うご動かして
  • くだ下さい
Please move this stone from here to there.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to inspire; to rouse; to move (e.g. feeling); to influence
  • おんがく音楽
  • きも気持ち
  • うごか動かします
Music moves the feelings.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to change; to alter; to deny
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to operate; to set in motion; to get going
  • わたし私たち
  • エンジン
  • うご動かせる
  • かどうか
  • うたが疑わしい
It is doubtful if we can get the engine working.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
5. to mobilize (e.g. troops); to mobilise; to deploy
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
6. to manage (e.g. funds)
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Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. to inspire
2. inspirationSee also インスピレーション
Wikipedia definition
3. Inspiration
Other forms
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to change (buses, boats, etc.); to transfer (to)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to possess (of a god, spirit, etc.)
Other forms
乗移る 【のりうつる】
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Noun, Suru verb
1. inspire someone with fresh courage; with redoubled courage
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to blow in (of wind, rain, etc.)
  • しんせん新鮮な
  • くうき空気
  • ふきこ吹き込んで
  • くる
Fresh air is blowing in.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to blow (air) into (e.g. a balloon); to breathe (new life) into
  • せんちょう船長
  • つかれ疲れている
  • のりくみいん乗組員
  • あら新たな
  • かつりょく活力
  • ふきこ吹き込んだ
The captain breathed new life into his tired crew.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
3. to inspire (someone) with; to put into someone's head; to instill; to infuse; to indoctrinate with
  • かれ
  • じしん自信
  • ふきこ吹き込んで
  • くれた
He inspired me with confidence.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
4. to record (audio; on tape, vinyl, etc.)
Other forms
吹込む 【ふきこむ】
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そうぞうふく 想像
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to make (someone's) imagination go wild; to inspire (someone's) imagination
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Wikipedia definition
1. Inspire (song)Inspire is the thirty-third single released by Ayumi Hama... Read more
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Kanji — 2 found

14 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel
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7 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
encourage, be diligent, inspire
On: レイ
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/777/1
    • うた
    • には、
    • ひと
    • こころ
    • なぐさ慰めたり
    • ふるいた奮い立たせたりする
    • ちから
    • がある。
    Songs have the power to comfort and inspire people. Jreibun
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