

Words — 14 found

Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. idealism
Wikipedia definition
2. Idealism in international relationsIn the American study of international relations, idealis... Read more
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1. idealismPhilosophy, See also 実在論
Wikipedia definition
2. IdealismIn philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies whic... Read more
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かんねんろん 観念論
1. German idealism
Wikipedia definition
2. German idealismGerman idealism was a theological, philosophical movement... Read more
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1. theory of ideas; Platonic idealism
Wikipedia definition
2. Theory of FormsPlato's theory of Forms or theory of Ideas asserts that n... Read more
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1. realism (as opposed to idealism)Philosophy, See also 観念論
2. realism (as opposed to nominalism)Philosophy, See also 唯名論
Wikipedia definition
3. Philosophical realismContemporary philosophical realism is the belief that our... Read more
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 394375
    • がんば頑張れ
    • さえ
    • すれば
    • たいりょく体力
    • ちりょく知力
    • なくて
    • なん何でも
    • できる
    • いう
    • いっしゅ一種
    • せいしんしゅぎ精神主義
    • ある
    There is also one type of idealism that says even without strength or intelligence you can do anything if you can merely persist. Tatoeba
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