

Words — 6 found

ほんこんかぎだいがく 香港科技大学
1. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; HKUSTOrganization name
2. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; HKUST
Wikipedia definition
3. Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (often... Read more
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ホンコンしょうけんとりひきじょ 香港証券取引所
1. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; HKEOrganization name
Wikipedia definition
2. Hong Kong Stock ExchangeThe Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK) is a stock exchange l... Read more
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HKS (設計事務所)
Wikipedia definition
1. HKS, Inc.HKS, Inc. is an international architecture firm headquart... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. HKSCSThe Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (Chinese: 香港增補字... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. HK 4.6×30mmThe HK 4.6×30mm cartridge is a type of ammunition used in... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. HKS (company)HKS is a publicly traded company headquartered in Fujinom... Read more
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/5677/1
    • おおみそか大晦日
    • めいぶつばんぐみ名物番組
    • である
    • エヌエイチケーNHK
    • こうはくうたがっせん紅白歌合戦
    • は、
    • かしゅ歌手
    • せいべつ性別
    • に基づいて
    • あかぐみ紅組
    • たい
    • しろぐみ白組
    • たいこうせん対抗戦
    • という形式を取ってきたが、
    • きんねん近年
    • 、ジェンダー
    • かん
    • の変化から、このままでよいのかと
    • ぎもんし疑問視
    • する
    • こえ
    • も上がっている。
    NHK’s Kōhaku Uta Gassen (Red & White Singing Contest), a famous TV program broadcast on New Year’s Eve, has taken the format of a competition between the red and white teams based on the gender of the professional singers, but in recent years, changing views on gender have raised some questions regarding whether this is the right format. Jreibun
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