

Words — 6 found

だいせんきょせい 大選挙区制
1. electoral system allowing for the election of multiple candidates from one district; multi-member constituent electoral systemSee also 小選挙区制
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しょうせんきょれいだいひょうへいりつせい 小選挙区比例代表並立制
1. electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies
Wikipedia definition
2. Parallel votingParallel voting describes a mixed voting system where vot... Read more
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こうそくめいしきれいだいひょうせい 拘束名簿式比例代表制
1. proportional representation electoral system (in which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)
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ちゅうせんきょせい 中選挙区制
1. (Japanese) electoral system allowing for the election of from 3 to 5 candidates from one districtSee also 大選挙区制
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