

Words — 4 found

けんいっぱんつうねん 世間一般通念
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. conventional wisdom
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1. common-sense expectation; obvious conclusion; conventional wisdom; received opinion
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じょうしきくつがえ 常識
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to defy conventional wisdom
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1. market price
2. speculation (e.g. on stocks)
3. reputation (according to conventional wisdom); estimation; esteem
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/4583/1
    • やこうせい夜行性
    • である」と考えられていたが、
    • さいたま埼玉
    • に住む
    • しょうがくろくねんせい小学6年生
    • にわ
    • の木に
    • あつ集まる
    • カブトムシを観察し、この常識を
    • くつがえ覆す
    • 発見をした。
    Japanese rhinoceros beetles were once thought to be nocturnal, but a sixth grader in Saitama Prefecture made a discovery that overturned this conventional wisdom when he observed Japanese rhinoceros beetles congregating on a tree in his yard. Jreibun
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