

Words — 4 found

1. conference room; council room
Wikipedia definition
2. Conference hallA conference hall or conference room is a room provided f... Read more
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しゃかいけんじょう 記者会見場
1. location of a press conference; press conference roomSee also 会見場
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1. location of a press conference; press conference room
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 185337
    • かいぎ会議
    • じょうない場内
    • じしゃ自社
    • せいひん製品
    • てんじじょう展示場
    • もう設け
    • たい
    • かんが考え
    • したら
    • そうきゅう早急に
    • ごれんらくご連絡
    • くだ下さい
    Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products. Tatoeba
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