

Words — 27 found

1. nationality; citizenship
2. nationality (ship, airplane, etc.); registration; flag
Wikipedia definition
3. NationalityNationality is membership of a nation or sovereign state,... Read more
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1. citizenship; civic rights; civil rights
2. widespread acceptance; social recognition; common use
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1. civil rights; franchise; citizenship
Wikipedia definition
2. Civil and political rightsCivil and political rights are a class of rights that pro... Read more
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1. nisei; second-generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.); person of Japanese parentage with non-Japanese citizenship
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix, Noun, used as a prefix
2. the second (e.g. Edward II)
  • ついに
  • 1314
  • ねん
  • には
  • この
  • きょうぎ競技
  • とても
  • らんぼう乱暴
  • きけん危険な
  • もの
  • となっていた
  • ので
  • 、エドワード
  • にせい二世
  • ほうりつ法律
  • せいてい制定
  • した
  • のです
Finally, in 1314, these games had become so violent and dangerous that King Edward II made a law.
3. sonColloquial
Other forms
2世 【にせい】
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1. citizen (of a country); citizenry
  • その
  • あたら新しい
  • ほうりつ法律
  • しみん市民
  • から
  • じゆう自由
  • うば奪った
The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty.
2. citizen (of a city); resident; inhabitant; townspeople
  • わたし
  • 千葉
  • しみん市民
  • です
  • とうきょう東京
  • つと勤めています
I am a citizen of Chiba, but work in Tokyo.
3. bourgeoisie; middle class
Wikipedia definition
4. CitizenshipCitizenship is the state of being a citizen of a particul... Read more
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1. multiple citizenship
Wikipedia definition
2. Multiple citizenshipMultiple citizenship is a status in which a person is con... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. foreign citizenship; foreign nationality
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1. loss of citizenship; denaturalization; expatriation
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じゅうこくせきしゃ 二重国籍者
1. dual citizen; person having dual citizenship or nationality
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しゅっしょうしゅ 出生地主義
1. jus soli; (principle of) birthright citizenshipSee also 血統主義
Wikipedia definition
2. Jus soliJus soli (Latin: right of the soil), is a right by which ... Read more
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1. jus sanguinis; principle that citizenship is determined by that of one's parentsSee also 出生地主義
Wikipedia definition
2. Jus sanguinisJus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a social policy ... Read more
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Sentences — 5 found

  • jreibun/3320/1
    • ようしょうじ幼少時
    • は日本とアメリカの
    • ふた2つ
    • こくせき国籍
    • を持っていたが、日本では
    • にじゅうこくせき二重国籍
    • みと認められて
    • いないため、
    • はたち二十歳
    • になったのを
    • きかい機会
    • にアメリカ
    • こくせき国籍
    • を選んだ。
    Because of my parents’ international marriage, I was granted two nationalities when I was a child: Japanese and American. Since dual nationality is not allowed in Japan, I chose American citizenship when I turned 20 years old. Jreibun
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Names — 1 found

ぜんこくしみんびょうどうだんたいれんめい 【全国市民平等団体連盟】
1. National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship