

Searched for ちゃんぴおん. You can also try a search for "champion".

Words — 23 found

1. champion
Other forms
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1. championship beltSports, Wasei, word made in Japan, From English “champion belt”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
Wikipedia definition
2. Championship beltA championship belt is a large, extravagantly designed be... Read more
Other forms
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1. pennant; champion flag
Other forms
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1. championship
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1. championship point (tennis)Sports
Other forms
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Wikipedia definition
1. Battle of Champion HillThe Battle of Champion Hill, or Bakers Creek, fought May ... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion (sportswear)Champion is a manufacturer of clothing, specializing in s... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Championship League DartsChampionship League Darts is a PDC darts tournament that ... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Championship ringA championship ring is a ring presented to members of win... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion (spark plug)Champion is an American brand of spark plug. Originally C... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion Redis a monthly Japanese shōnen manga magazine published on ... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champions Cup
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion HurdleThe Champion Hurdle is a Grade 1 National Hunt hurdle rac... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Championship Lode RunnerChampionship Lode Runner is the champion's version of Lod... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champions TourThe Champions Tour, a golf tour run by the PGA Tour, host... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champions MileThe Champions Mile is a Group 1 flat horse race in Hong K... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion StakesThe Champion Stakes is a Group 1 flat horse race in Great... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champion (supermarket)Champion is a supermarket chain that operates in France a... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champions on IceChampions on Ice was a touring ice show in the United Sta... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. Champions Hockey LeagueThe Champions Hockey League was a short-lived ice hockey ... Read more
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Kanji — 1 found

19 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
hegemony, supremacy, leadership, champion
On: ハク
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Sentences — 15 found

  • jreibun/8045/1
    • さくねん昨年
    • の優勝選手が
    • しょせん初戦
    • で世界ランク
    • さんじゅうい30位
    • の選手に
    • やぶ敗れる
    • という
    • ばんくる番狂わせ
    • が起こった。
    At this year’s World Tennis Championships there was a big surprise; in the first round, last year’s champion lost to the player ranked 30th in the world! Jreibun
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Names — 61 found

あさひふじせいや 【旭富士正也】
Full name
1. Asahifuji Seiya, 63rd sumo grand champion
Wikipedia definition
2. Asahifuji Seiya(born July 6, 1960 as Seiya Suginomori) is a former sumo ... Read more
あきのうみせつお 【安藝ノ海節男】
Full name
1. Akinoumi Setsuo, 37th sumo grand champion
Wikipedia definition
2. Akinoumi SetsuoAkinoumi Setsuo (安藝ノ海 節男, May 30, 1914 – March 25, 1979) ... Read more
いなづまらいごろう 【稲妻雷五郎】
Full name
1. Inadzuma Raigorou, 7th sumo grand champion
Wikipedia definition
2. Inazuma RaigorōInazuma Raigorō (稲妻雷五郎, 1802 – March 29, 1877) was a sumo... Read more
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