

Words — 13 found

1. bookkeeping
Wikipedia definition
2. BookkeepingBookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions. T... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb
1. bookkeeping; bookkeeper
Other forms
帳付け 【ちょうづけ】
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1. bookkeeping
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かんじょう 勘定
1. rough estimate; sloppy accounting; slapdash bookkeeping
Other forms
丼勘定 【どんぶりかんじょう】ドンブリ勘定 【ドンブリかんじょう】
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にっしょうぼきけんてい 日商簿記検定
1. Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping (JCCI bookkeeping proficiency test)
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1. double-entry bookkeeping
Wikipedia definition
2. Double-entry bookkeeping systemA double-entry bookkeeping system is a set of rules for r... Read more
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1. single-entry bookkeeping
Wikipedia definition
2. Single-entry bookkeeping systemA single-entry bookkeeping system or single-entry account... Read more
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1. factory accounting; factory bookkeeping; manufacturer's account
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. single-entry (bookkeeping); voting for one person only
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. classification; sorting (out); grouping; assortment
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
Wikipedia definition
3. JournalA journal has several related meanings: a daily record of... Read more
Other forms
仕訳 【しわけ】仕分 【しわけ】
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/4564/2
    • あに
    • は商業高校に
    • かよ通い
    • ぼき簿記
    • しかく資格
    • を取った。
    My older brother attended a commercial high school and obtained a bookkeeping qualification. Jreibun
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