

Names — 46065 found

Full name
1. George A. Akerlof
スリーメンアンドベビー 【スリーメン&ベビー】
Unclassified name
1. Three Men and a Baby (film)
Unclassified name
1. Domo-kun (NHK television mascot that looks like a brown sponge)
こうなんしながわインターシティエーとう 【港南品川インターシティA棟】
1. Kounan Shinagawa Inter-city A Building
じゆうがくえん 【自由学園】
1. Jiyuu Gakuen (Christian school with a building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright); Jiyu Gakuen
すずきみちお 【鈴木道雄】
Full name
1. Suzuki Michio - founder of Suzuki Motor (1887.2.18-1982), also a bureaucrat (1933.11.4-)
Female given name
1. Tama; stereotypical name for a cat
わがはいはねこである 【吾輩は猫である】
Unclassified name
1. I Am A Cat (novel by Natsume Soseki, 1905-1906)
ごふかくさいん 【後深草院】
Full name
1. Emperor Gofukakusa 1243-1304 (offically reigned as a child 1246-1259)
Unclassified name
1. Nick and the Glimmung (a children's novel) (book)
ひじょうじょうし 【悲情城市】
1. Hijoujou (city)
Wikipedia definition
2. A City of SadnessA City of Sadness is a 1989 Taiwanese historical drama fi... Read more
うじしゅういものがたり 【宇治拾遺物語】
Unclassified name
1. A Collection of Tales from Uji
おふみ 【御文】
Unclassified name
1. Gobunsho (The Epistles, a collection of letters written by Rennyo)
ごぶんしょ 【御文章】
Unclassified name
1. Gobunsho (The Epistles, a collection of letters written by Rennyo)
しすい 【四睡】
Full name
1. The Four Sleepers (Hanshan, Shi De and Fenggan sleeping together with a tiger, a common theme for Zen paintings)
Full name
1. Conan Doyle; A. Conan Doyle; Arthur Conan Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Full name
1. Conan Doyle; A. Conan Doyle; Arthur Conan Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Full name
1. Eric A. Cornell
かのうえいのう 【狩野永納】
Full name
1. Kanou Einou (1634-1700); a descendant of the Kanou family who wrote the Honchou gashi, History of the Japanese painting
Unclassified name
1. A Distant Mirror (book)
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