

Words — 3 found

Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. trial and errorYojijukugo (four character compound)
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1. trial and errorWasei, word made in Japan, See also トライアルアンドエラー, From English “try and error”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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1. trial and errorSee also 試行錯誤, See also トライアンドエラー
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Sentences — 4 found

  • jreibun/6071/1
    • ぜんこくいち全国一
    • のワイナリーリゾートを
    • めざ目指し
    • われわれ我々
    • スタッフは、ぶどうを
    • ひとふさ一房
    • ひとふさ一房
    • たんねん丹念に
    • てい手入れし
    • 、ワイン
    • じょうぞう醸造
    • しこうさくご試行錯誤
    • かさ重ねて
    • きた。
    With the goal of becoming the best vineyard resort in the country, we, the staff, have been meticulously tending each bunch of grapes and making wine through a process of trial and error. Jreibun
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