

Words — 22 found

1. 118 (maritime emergency telephone number in Japan)
Other forms
一一八番 【ひゃくじゅうはちばん】百十八番 【ひゃくじゅうはちばん】
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Wikipedia definition
1. 118 (number)118 (one hundred eighteen) is the natural number followin... Read more
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1. Yōwa era (1181.7.14-1182.5.27)
2. Youwa
Wikipedia definition
3. YōwaYōwa was a Japanese era name after Jishō and before Juei.... Read more
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1. Kamakura period (1185-1333)Historical term
Wikipedia definition
2. Kamakura periodThe Kamakura period is a period of Japanese history that ... Read more
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1. Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333)Historical term
Wikipedia definition
2. Kamakura shogunateThe Kamakura shogunate was a military dictatorship in Jap... Read more
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1. Genryaku era (1184.4.16-1185.8.14)Historical term
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2. GenryakuGenryaku was a Japanese era name after Juei and before Bu... Read more
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1. Juei era (1182.5.27-1184.4.16)
Wikipedia definition
2. JueiJuei was a Japanese era name after Yōwa and before Genrya... Read more
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1. civil administration
2. Bunji era (1185.8.14-1190.4.11)Only applies to ぶんじ
Wikipedia definition
3. Bunji (era)Bunji was a Japanese era name after Genryaku and before K... Read more
Other forms
文治 【ぶんじ】
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だんのうらのかっせん 壇ノ浦の合戦
1. Battle of Dan-no-ura (final battle of the Genpei War; 1185)Historical term, See also 壇ノ浦の戦い
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1. feudal period (characterized by the rule of the shogunate, 1185-1867); age of militarist governmentHistorical term, See also 王朝時代
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. Battle of Dan-no-ura (final battle of the Genpei War; 1185)Historical term
Other forms
壇ノ浦の戦 【だんのうらのたたかい】
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日光 (小惑星)
Wikipedia definition
1. 1185 Nikko1185 Nikko is a main-belt asteroid with an orbital period... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. 118 BCYear 118 BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. ... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. 118178 Rinckart118178 Rinckart is a main belt asteroid with an orbital p... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. 1181 LilithThe asteroid 1181 Lilith is a main belt asteroid discover... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. 1186 Turnera1186 Turnera (1929 PL) is a main-belt asteroid discovered... Read more
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Wikipedia definition
1. 118 Peitho118 Peitho is a main-belt asteroid. It is probably an S-t... Read more
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佐渡 (小惑星)
Wikipedia definition
1. 118230 Sado118230 Sado (1996 WY2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered... Read more
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LINEAR彗星 (176P)
Wikipedia definition
1. 118401 LINEAR118401 LINEAR is an asteroid and main-belt comet (176P/LI... Read more
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/4504/3
    • みなもとのよりとも源頼朝
    • ぶしせいけん武士政権
    • じゅりつ樹立
    • めざ目指し
    • せんひゃくはちじゅうねん1180年
    • へいけだとう平家打倒
    • へい
    • 挙げた
    Minamoto no Yoritomo, aiming to establish a samurai government, sent an army to overthrow the Heike clan in 1180. Jreibun
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Names — 6 found

あんとくてんのう 【安徳天皇】
Full name
1. Emperor Antoku; Antoku Tenno (1178-1185 CE, reigning: 1180-1185 CE)
Wikipedia definition
2. Emperor AntokuEmperor Antoku (安徳天皇 Antoku-tennō) (December 22, 1178 – A... Read more
ごとばてんのう 【後鳥羽天皇】
Full name
1. Emperor Go-Toba; Go-Toba Tenno (1180-1239 CE, reigning: 1183-1198 CE)
Wikipedia definition
2. Emperor Go-Toba(August 6, 1180 – March 28, 1239) was the 82nd emperor of... Read more
みなもとのよりいえ 【源頼家】
Full name
1. Minamoto No Yoriie (1182-1204.8.14)
Wikipedia definition
2. Minamoto no YoriieMinamoto no Yoriie was the second shogun (1202–1203) of J... Read more
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