Words — 16 found
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 24 Play audio Show 10 collocations Links
- 肩が凝る - to have stiff shoulders
- 肩がつかえる - to have stiff shoulders
- 肩が張る - to have stiff shoulders
- 肩をすくめる - to shrug one's shoulders
- 肩を並べる - to stand, walk, etc. shoulder-to-shoulder
- 肩を持つ - to side with (someone)
- 肩を怒らせる - to perk up (square) one's shoulders
- 肩を落とす - to drop one's shoulders
- 肩に担ぐ - to bear
- 肩の荷が下りる - to feel relieved of one's burden
1. shoulder
1. stiff shoulders (usu. owing to age); frozen shoulder
- ごじゅうかた五十肩
- に
- なや悩まされています 。
2. Adhesive capsulitis of shoulderFrozen shoulder, medically referred to as adhesive capsul... Read more
1. (one's natural) shoulder strength
1. ranking equal with; comparing favourably with; comparing favorably with
1. right shoulder
1. partner; someone who shares one's load
1. shoulders