4875 | Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson) |
2190 | Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern) |
1558 | Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern) |
40536 | Morohashi |
6294 | New Nelson (John Haig) |
2760 | Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig) |
2783 | Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig) |
Stroke order
On reading compounds
- 錐 【スイ】 cone, pyramid
- 錐状体 【スイジョウタイ】 cone (cell)
- 方錐 【ホウスイ】 square drill, regular pyramid
- 角錐 【カクスイ】 pyramid
Kun reading compounds
- 錐 【きり】 drill, gimlet, awl, auger
- 錐揉み 【きりもみ】 tailspin, spin, drilling, boring
- 嚢中の錐 【のうちゅうのきり】 cream rises to the top, a drill in a bag (will always poke through)
- Korean:
- chu
8a8.1 | The Kanji Dictionary |
1-8-8 | SKIP code |
8011.4 | Four corner code |
1-31-77 | JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code |
9310 | Unicode hex code |
rub, massage, shampoo, debate vigorously, train, coach, worry, get in trouble
Stroke order
On reading compounds
- 揉捻 【ジュウネン】 rolling freshly picked tea-leaves, crushing tea
Kun reading compounds
- 揉む 【もむ】 to rub, to crumple, to massage, to argue, to have a heated discussion, to train, to coach, to jostle, to crowd, to shake, to rock, to have various experiences (out in the world)
- 揉める 【もめる】 to disagree, to dispute, to fight (over)
- Korean:
- yu
1962 | Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson) |
12332 | Morohashi |
2231 | New Nelson (John Haig) |
3c9.2 | The Kanji Dictionary |
1-3-9 | SKIP code |
5709.4 | Four corner code |
1-57-70 | JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code |
63c9 | Unicode hex code |