Words — 60 found
1. to confuse (someone); to befuddle; to bewilder; to mystify; to throw up a smokescreen; to surround with smokeIdiomatic expression
けむに巻く 【けむにまく】、烟に巻く 【けむにまく】、煙に巻く 【けむりにまく】、烟に巻く 【けむりにまく】
けむりにまく: Irregular kana usage. けむりにまく: Irregular kana usage.
1. smoke bomb
1. death by smoke suffocation
1. (tobacco) pipe with metal tipped stem; kiseruUsually written using kana alone, From Central Khmer “khsier”
煙管 【きせる】
きせる: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
1. smoke pollution
1. dust; smokestack smoke; battle scene
1. to be sensitive to smoke
2. to dislike the company of (someone); to consider (someone) a burden or nuisance
烟たがる 【けむたがる】
烟たがる: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. smoke and fumes (e.g. from cooking)
2. beacon; skyrocket; signal fire
3. fireworks