Words — 15 found
1. tear gland; lacrimal gland
1. lacrimal bone (of the skull)Anatomy
1. lacrimal apparatus
1. therapeutic crying for stress relief; having a good cryColloquial
1. lacrimal fluid; tears
1. lachrymal passage (lacrimal, lacrymal)
1. lachrymal punctum (lacrimal, lacrymal); lacrimal point
1. lachrymal or tear duct
1. lachrymal sac; tear sac; dacryocystAnatomy
1. to get teary; to be moved to tearsIdiomatic expression
涙腺がゆるむ 【るいせんがゆるむ】
1. crying one's eyes out; being on the verge of breaking into a flood of tearsSlang