

Words — 696 found

1. sea slug (various orthogastropod species, esp. of order Nudibranchia); nudibranchUsually written using kana alone, See also 海鼠
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2. NudibranchA nudibranch /ˈnjuːdɨbræŋk/ is a member of what is now a ... Read more
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1. common murre; common guillemot (Uria aalge)Usually written using kana alone
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2. Common MurreThe Common Murre or Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) is a la... Read more
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海鴉 【うみがらす】ウミガラス
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1. plateau
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2. Oceanic plateauAn oceanic plateau (also submarine plateau) is a large, r... Read more
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1. mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus and Sphaerotrichia divaricata, types of edible seaweed)Usually written using kana alone
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2. Cladosiphon okamuranusCladosiphon okamuranus (水雲; 藻付; 海蘊; 海雲) is a type of edib... Read more
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藻付 【もずく】海蘊 【もずく】海雲 【もずく】モズク
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1. maritime insurance
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2. Marine insuranceMarine insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, carg... Read more
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1. Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis); Yesso scallopUsually written using kana alone
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2. Patinopecten yessoensisPatinopecten yessoensis (Yesso scallop, Giant Ezo scallop... Read more
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ほたて貝 【ほたてがい】海扇 【ほたてがい】ホタテガイ
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かいようぶつがく 海洋物理学
1. physical oceanography
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2. Physical oceanographyPhysical oceanography is the study of physical conditions... Read more
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かいようおんはつでん 海洋温度差発電
1. ocean thermal energy conversion
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2. Ocean thermal energy conversionOcean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperatu... Read more
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かいようしんそうすい 海洋深層水
1. deep ocean water; deep-sea water
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2. Deep ocean waterDeep Ocean Water (DOW) is the name for cold, salty water ... Read more
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かいようせいこう 海洋性気候
1. oceanic climate
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2. Oceanic climateAn oceanic climate, also called marine west coast climate... Read more
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1. oceanography; oceanology
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2. OceanographyOceanography (compound of the Greek words ωκεανός meaning... Read more
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1. phocomelia
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2. PhocomeliaPhocomelia (from Greek φώκη = "seal" plus μέλος = "limb")... Read more
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アザラシ肢症 【アザラシししょう】
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1. sea ice
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2. Sea iceSea ice is largely formed from seawater that freezes. Bec... Read more
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1. sea urchinUsually written using kana alone
2. seasoned sea urchin eggsFood, cooking, usu. 雲丹
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3. Sea urchinSea urchins or urchins are small, spiny, globular animals... Read more
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海栗 【うに】雲丹 【うに】ウニ
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かいようしつがく 海洋地質学
1. submarine geology
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2. Marine geologyMarine geology or geological oceanography involves geophy... Read more
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1. seawater temperature
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2. Sea surface temperatureSea surface temperature (SST) is the water temperature cl... Read more
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1. mirugai clam (Tresus keenae, species of gaper clam)Usually written using kana alone
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2. GeoduckThe geoduck (Panopea generosa) is a species of very large... Read more
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水松食 【みるくい】ミルクイ
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1. Salsola komarovii (species of saltwort)Usually written using kana alone, See also 陸鹿尾菜
Wikipedia definition
2. Mirna (settlement)Mirna (German: Neydeck or Neudegg) is a nucleated village... Read more
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1. Delphinus (constellation); the Dolphin
Wikipedia definition
2. DelphinusDelphinus is a constellation in the northern sky, close t... Read more
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いるか座 【いるかざ】
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1. eurypteridUsually written using kana alone
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2. EurypteridEurypterids (sea scorpions) are an extinct group of arthr... Read more
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