Words — 63 found
1. reverence; veneration
1. Obediently yours
1. youarchaic or literary
1. your will; your idea
1. death with dignity; natural death (as opposed to extending one's life unnaturally with life support)
1. your (his, her) healthHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
2. image (e.g. of Buddha)Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
1. your house
1. high and low; aristocrat and plebeian
1. your idea
1. reverence
1. your nameHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
1. someone's father; one's companionPolite (teineigo) language
1. statue of a noble character; your picture
1. your order
1. elder brother; elderly personPolite (teineigo) language
1. your family; your mother
1. your visit
1. someone's letterPolite (teineigo) language