

Words — 8 found

1. cystMedicine
Wikipedia definition
2. CystA cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and di... Read more
Other forms
のう胞 【のうほう】
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1. cysticercosisMedicine
2. measles (in cattle, etc.)
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. saclike; saccate; saccular
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. cysticMedicine
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のうほうせいせんしょう 嚢胞性線維症
1. cystic fibrosis; mucoviscidosisMedicine
Wikipedia definition
2. Cystic fibrosisCystic fibrosis (also known as CF or mucoviscidosis) is a... Read more
Other forms
嚢胞性繊維症 【のうほうせいせんいしょう】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. cream rises to the top; a drill in a bag (will always poke through)Proverb
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