Sentences — 471 found
- じちたい自治体 の条例違反となる場合もある。
Smoking while walking is not only bad manners, but may also be a breach of local laws. — Jreibun -
- れんたい連帯
- ほしょうにん保証人 になったばかりに
- すうせんまんえん数千万円 もの借金を
- せお背負わされた 。
I was saddled with tens of millions of yen in debt because I had trusted a friend and become his joint surety. — Jreibun -
- こそだ子育て は難しい。
- きび厳し すぎてもよくないが、子どもの言うことを
- あんい安易 に聞いてばかりいても、ためにならない。
Raising a child is a challenge. It is not good to be too strict, but you cannot easily bend to children’s wishes all the time. Being too lenient does not help them, either. — Jreibun -
- おこ怒る 理由を説明せずに感情的に
- どな怒鳴って ばかりいては
- だめ駄目 だ。
Even when dealing with a child, you mustn’t just yell emotionally, not explaining what it is that is making you angry. — Jreibun -
- さけ酒 ばかり飲んで働かない
- おっと夫 に
- あいそ愛想 を
- つ尽かして 、
- つま妻 はとうとう離婚を決意し、子どもを連れて
- いえ家 を出た。
The wife, fed up with her husband who drank every day and did not work, finally decided to divorce him and left home with her children. — Jreibun -
- ほか他 の
- ひと人 の
- あげあし揚げ足 を取るばかりで、自分から
- なに何も 提案しないようでは、議論は
- まえ前 に進まない。
If all you do is find fault with others and offer nothing constructive, the discussion will not move forward. — Jreibun -
- ひと人 の
- わるくち悪口 ばかり言ったり、
- ひと人 の
- ふこう不幸 を喜ぶようなあさましい
- にんげん人間 にはなりたくない。
I don’t want to be the kind of base person who always speaks ill of others or takes pleasure in others’ misfortunes. — Jreibun -
- よとう与党 の支持率が
- きゅうらく急落した
- なか中 での選挙戦に、
- よとうぎいん与党議員 は
- こんど今度 ばかりは
- きび厳しい かもしれないと
- うきあしだ浮足立って いる。
Seeing the approval rating of the ruling party plummet, the members of the Diet from the ruling party are in a state of panic, thinking that the election campaign will be tougher than expected this time around. — Jreibun -
- ていりゅうじょ停留所
- よっつぶん4つ分 ぐらいなら、バスで
- かよ通わず 歩くようにすれば、
- バスだいバス代 が
- う浮く ばかりでなく健康にもいい。
If you walk instead of taking the bus for about four stops, not only do you save money on bus fare, but it is also good for your health. — Jreibun -
- ぶか部下 は自分は悪くないとばかりに抗弁してくる。
Even when I criticise my subordinate with the intention of giving him guidance, he contradicts me as if to say that he is not at fault. — Jreibun -
I can’t stand the arrogant attitude of my co-worker, who seems to think that the fact that the products are selling well is solely the result of his own achievement. — Jreibun -
- おか犯す 自分に
- いやけ嫌気 がさしながらも頑張ろうと思っていた
- やさき矢先 に上司から
- のうなしあつか能無し扱い されて、
- こころ心 が
- お折れそう だ。
After making mistakes all the time and just as I was telling myself that I must do better, my boss treated me like an incompetent fool, and I felt devastated. — Jreibun -
- にねんご2年後 、つまり
- さらいねん再来年 には、彼女と結婚したいと考えている。
I have a girlfriend whom I have been dating since we were students. I just landed my first job and have no savings, so I cannot marry her now. However, I am hoping and planning to marry her in two years time—the year after next year. — Jreibun -
- くるま車 の運転免許を取ったばかりで、
- しゃこい車庫入れ がまだ
- ふな不慣れだ 。
My younger sister just got her driver’s license and is still not used to parking in the garage. — Jreibun -
- きゅうめい9名 のエレベーターに
- おおがら大柄 の男性ばかり
- じゅうにん10人 が乗り込んだところ、制限重量オーバーを知らせるブザーが鳴った。
When 10 people, all large men, boarded the elevator, which had a capacity of nine, the buzzer sounded, warning that the weight limit was exceeded. — Jreibun -
- とお通そう とせず、相手の意見にも耳を
- かたむ傾ける ことが大切だ。
When trying to persuade someone, it is important to listen to the other person’s points, rather than just proffering your own points alone. — Jreibun -
- よていどお予定通り の
- にってい日程 に完成した。あとは
- ひきわたしび引き渡し日 を待つばかりだ。
The construction work on the condominium which they purchased progressed smoothly and was completed on schedule. All that remains is to wait for the hand-over date. — Jreibun -
- ふりん不倫 が
- はっかく発覚したり して
- せけん世間 を
- さわ騒がせて ばかりいたので、今ではすっかり
- にんき人気 が落ちた。
The popularity of my favorite singer has now taken a complete nosedive because he made the headlines by committing blunders such as constantly making problematic comments and having his affair exposed. — Jreibun -
- ぜんこう前項 に規定された所定労働時間を超えて労働した場合は
- じかんがいろうどう時間外労働
- わりましちんぎん割増賃金 を
- しはら支払う 」とあるのだが、サービス残業ばかり求められ、
- いっこう一向に 「
- わりましちんぎん割増賃金 」など
- しはら支払われない ため、労働センターに相談することにした。
The work rules state that “Augmented wages shall be paid for overtime work in the event that hours are worked in excess of the prescribed working hours stipulated in the preceding paragraph,” but since the workers are constantly being asked to work overtime and are never paid “augmented wages,” they decided to consult with the labor center. — Jreibun -
- たにん他人 と自分を比較してばかりいては幸せになれない。「
- た足る を
- し知る 」の
- ことばどお言葉通り 、今の生活を大切に、
- ひび日々 感謝して生きることが大切だ。
You cannot be happy if you are constantly comparing yourself to others. As the saying goes, “Be satisfied with your lot in life,” it is important to cherish what you have in the present moment and be thankful for it every day. — Jreibun