Words — 220 found
1. better fortune
2. Kaiun
1. civilization; civilisation; enlightenment
2. Kaimei
1. enlightenment; spiritual awakening; opening one's eyes to the truthesp. かいげん
2. reaching one's peak (as a performer, etc.); reaching the highest echelonsesp. かいげん
3. gaining eyesight; restoring eyesight; opening the eyesOnly applies to かいがん
4. filling out the eyes (of a Buddha) as the last step of consecrating a new statue or picture; ceremony where a newly made image or idol is consecratedBuddhism, Only applies to かいげん
開眼 【かいげん】
1. making an incision in the abdomen; performing a laparotomyMedicine
1. opening of a park (theme park, botanical garden etc.)Antonym: 閉園, used in ref. to places ending in 園
1. (sect) founder; apostle; originator; inventor
1. opening (of a new office, facility, etc.)
1. founding a temple (on a hill-top)
1. opening gate
1. unveiling (a Buddhist image); public exhibition (of a Buddhist image)Only applies to 開帳
2. revealing (something that is supposed to remain hidden)Only applies to 開帳
3. opening (a gambling house); holding (a gambling party)
開張 【かいちょう】
1. Open Document Architecture; ODAComputing
2. Open Document ArchitectureThe Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange form... Read more