
いらっしゃいます could be an inflection of いらっしゃる, with these forms:
  • Masu-form. It is the polite form of the verb.

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Words — 1 found

Godan verb - -aru special class, Intransitive verb
1. to come; to go; to be (somewhere)Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, sometimes erroneously written 居らっしゃる
  • おかあお母さん
  • いらっしゃいます
Is your mother at home?
Godan verb - -aru special class, Auxiliary verb
2. to be (doing)Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, after a -te form, or the particle "de"
  • あなた
  • りょうしん両親
  • どちら
  • 似て
  • いらっしゃいます
Which of your parents do you take after?
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Sentences — 18 found

  • 144882
    • こうべ神戸
    • には
    • もう
    • どれくらい
    • いらっしゃいます
    How long have you been in Kobe? Tatoeba
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