
4 Replies ・ Started by 35nhma at 2016-01-29 14:10:27 UTC ・ Last reply by jarmanso7 at 2019-02-02 17:44:35 UTC

Save search history and export?

Hi Everyone,

I'm wondering if there is a way to collect the words you've searched for and export with tab / comma separated values, in order to make Anki cards. I have been doing this with my Imiwa app for a little while now ...


Kimtaro Admin at 2016-02-05 00:43:13 UTC

Not yet, but it's something I aim to add this year.

Geekly at 2019-02-01 18:34:45 UTC

That would be sweet.

tanu at 2019-02-02 11:39:26 UTC

Please help me if we can download the list of kanjis if searched with a #tag

jarmanso7 at 2019-02-02 17:44:35 UTC

Good evening @35nhma and @Geekly,

I extended my userscript that enables the user to save words from jisho in a "My Words" list with a link that lets the user download those words in a CSV file (original post here: https://jisho.org/forum/5c478f35d5dda7452e000070-saving-words-slash-favourite-words).

The script can be installed using Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey from here https://greasyfork.org/scripts/377040-save-favourite-words-jisho .

This is how it works:

1) Once in the details page of a particular word, that word can be added (or removed) to the "My Words" list by clicking on the link "Add to My Words" (or "Remove from My Words).

2) To check all the words added to the list, just click on your user's name at the right top of the screen. There you'll be presented a list of all the words you have bookmarked to be in "My Words" so far.

3) You will also find a link "Download List" in your User's page that lets you download those words in a .csv file.

While I realise this userscript does not strictly include each word the user has looked up in the list (but rather they still have to add each word manually to the "My Words" by clicking on a link), this might be useful to you to collect and export words in an easier way. Also note that this script works locally in your machine so you wouldn't find the stored words in the list if you access jisho.org from different machines.

Please let me know should you have any feedback on the script!

Kind regards.

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