
こうべかいせいじょしがくいんだいがく 神戸海星女子学院大学
1. Kobe Kaisei Stella Maris CollegeOrganization name
2. Kobe Kaisei Stella Maris College
Wikipedia definition
3. Kobe Kaisei Collegeis a private women's college in Nada, Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan. Kobe Kaisei institution was first founded as a primary school, a junior and senior high school in 1951. Moreover, the junior college was established in 1955, followed by the opening of Kobe Kaisei College in 1965. Kobe Kaisei College focuses on the humanities education based on Christianity. In addition they provide good English and French education.
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Read “神戸海星女子学院大学” on Japanese Wikipedia
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