
Wikipedia definition
1. Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica (2011)Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rica National Stadium) is a multi-purpose stadium in La Sabana, San José, Costa Rica. Completed in 2011, it will mainly be used for football matches. The stadium replaces the original National Stadium. The Chinese government financed the construction of the stadium, which has a capacity of 35,062. Demolition began after the match between UCR (Universidad de Costa Rica) and Brujas FC and the 200M event where Nery Brenes set a new national record .
Read “Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica (2011)” on English Wikipedia
Read “エスタディオ・ナシオナル・デ・コスタリカ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica (2011)” on DBpedia


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