
Wikipedia definition
1. Princess Bathildis of Anhalt-DessauPrincess Bathildis of Anhalt-Dessau (German: Prinzessin Bathildis Amalgunde von Anhalt-Dessau; 29 December 1837 – 10 February 1902) was a Princess of Anhalt-Dessau and member of the House of Ascania by birth. As the wife of Prince William of Schaumburg-Lippe she was a Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe by marriage. She was a younger sister of Grand Duchess Adelaide of Luxembourg.
Read “Princess Bathildis of Anhalt-Dessau” on English Wikipedia
Read “バティルディス・フォン・アンハルト=デッサウ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Princess Bathildis of Anhalt-Dessau” on DBpedia


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