
Wikipedia definition
1. Krzysztof KosińskiKrzysztof Kosiński (Ukrainian: Криштоф Косинський, Kryshtof Kosynsky; Polish: Krzysztof Kosiński; 1545–93) was a Polish noble from the Podlaskie region. He was a colonel of the Registered Cossacks and self-proclaimed Hetman of Ukraine. He led two consecutive rebellions against local Ruthenian nobility, known as the Kosiński Uprising. His forces were first defeated by Duke Janusz Ostrogski in the Battle of Piątek on February 2, 1593.
Read “Krzysztof Kosiński” on English Wikipedia
Read “クシシュトフ・コスィーンシキー” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Krzysztof Kosiński” on DBpedia


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