
Wikipedia definition
1. Ekaterina Alekseyevna DolgorukovaEkaterina Alekseyevna Dolgorukova (1712–1747) was a Russian noble, enganged to tsar Peter II of Russia. Daughter of the Russian Prince Alexei Dolgorukov and niece to Prince Vasily Lukich Dolgorukov. She grew up with her brother Ivan in Warsaw in the house of her grandfather Gregory Fjodorovitj. Reportedly, she and the Austrian ambassador Melissimo were in love with each other.
Read “Ekaterina Alekseyevna Dolgorukova” on English Wikipedia
Read “エカチェリーナ・アレクセーエヴナ・ドルゴルーコヴァ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Ekaterina Alekseyevna Dolgorukova” on DBpedia


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