
Wikipedia definition
1. München-Nürnberg-ExpressThe München-Nürnberg-Express is a RegionalExpress train service in the southern German state of Bavaria, connecting the two main cities of the state, Munich and Nuremberg. With its maximum speed of 200 km/h (120 mph), the train is currently the fastest regional train service in Germany. The train was formerly known under the project name FRESH, expanding to FRanken-Express über die Schnellfahrstrecke in die LandesHauptstadt (FRanconia Express via the High speed line to the state Capital).
Read “München-Nürnberg-Express” on English Wikipedia
Read “ミュンヘン・ニュルンベルク・エクスプレス” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “München-Nürnberg-Express” on DBpedia


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