
Wikipedia definition
1. Oecusse DistrictOecusse (Tetum: Oekusi-Ambenu, also variously Oecussi, Ocussi, Oekussi, Oekusi, Okusi, Oé-Cusse, former Oecussi-Ambeno) is a district of East Timor. It is a coastal exclave in the western part of the island of Timor, separated from the rest of East Timor by West Timor, which is part of the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, and which surrounds Oecusse in all directions except the north, where it borders the Savu Sea.
Read “Oecusse District” on English Wikipedia
Read “オエクシ=アンベノ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Oecusse District” on DBpedia


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