
Wikipedia definition
1. Isaak Löw Hofmann, Edler von HofmannsthalIsaak Löw Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal (10 June 1759, at Prostiebor, near Kladrau, now in the district of Pilsen, Bohemia – 12 December 1849, Vienna) was an Austrian merchant. During the famine in Ansbach in the middle of the 18th century, Hofmann's parents had emigrated from Pretzendorf, near Bayreuth, to Bohemia, where they lived in very poor circumstances. His early training he received at home, and from his thirteenth year he studied at Prague as a "bachur" under Rabbi Abraham Plohn.
Read “Isaak Löw Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal” on English Wikipedia
Read “イザーク・レーフ・ホーフマン・フォン・ホーフマンスタール” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Isaak Löw Hofmann, Edler von Hofmannsthal” on DBpedia


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