
Imitation PoPs 宇宙戦隊NOIZ
Wikipedia definition
1. Uchuu Sentai NoizUchuu Sentai Noiz (宇宙戦隊 Noiz) is a visual kei rock band from Japan. They are known for their energetic music, wild cosplay-like outfits, and live shows full of energy and on stage antics. Their music is very eclectic and has many different elements from genres such as punk, pop, metal, hip-hop and electronica in their sound and thus cannot be properly labeled. Some songs tend to not mix all these sounds together and focus on one or two, while other song combine all these elements.
Read “Uchuu Sentai Noiz” on English Wikipedia
Read “Imitation PoPs 宇宙戦隊NOIZ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Uchuu Sentai Noiz” on DBpedia


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