
Wikipedia definition
1. Yekaterina Vorontsova-DashkovaPrincess Yekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova (Russian: Екатери́на Рома́новна Воронцо́ва-Да́шкова) (28 March 1743 – 15 January 1810, though her memoirs list her birth date as 1744, they are footnoted as a "slip of the pen") was the closest female friend of Empress Catherine the Great and a major figure of the Russian Enlightenment. Her name was often spelt in English as Princess Dashkov.
Read “Yekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova” on English Wikipedia
Read “エカテリーナ・ダーシュコワ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Yekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova” on DBpedia


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