
1. demon; devil; evil spirit; evil influence
  • かぶしきしじょう株式市場
  • しじょう市場
  • よく
  • 言われる
The stock market is often called a dangerous one.
Noun, used as a suffix
2. -crazed person; -obsessed person; fiendSee also 覗き魔
  • まずい
  • また
  • ちこく遅刻
  • !!
  • はやくも
  • ちこく遅刻
  • いみょう異名
  • とって
  • しまう
Oh no! I'm late again!! I'm going to get the nickname 'King of Late arrival'.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
3. dreaded; terrible; awful; dreadful


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