
1. Japanese transverse bamboo flute (high-pitched; usu. with seven holes)
Wikipedia definition
2. Shinobue7-hole Uta-you Shinobue in C ("8-hon choshi") without binding]] The shinobue is a Japanese transverse flute or fue that has a high-pitched sound. It is found in hayashi and nagauta ensembles, and plays important roles in noh and kabuki theatre music. It is heard in Shinto music such as kagura-den and in traditional Japanese folk songs. There are two styles: uta (song) and hayashi (festival). The uta is properly tuned to the Western scale, and can be played in ensembles or as a solo instrument.
Read “Shinobue” on English Wikipedia
Read “篠笛” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Shinobue” on DBpedia


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