
Adverb (fukushi)
1. so much; so often; so long; so many; particularly; especiallyUsually written using kana alone, with neg. sentence
  • つごうのわる都合の悪い
  • こと
  • そうそう
  • かく隠し
  • とおせる
  • もん
  • じゃない
  • あくじ悪事
  • せんり千里
  • 行く
  • って
  • いう
  • だろう
You can't hide the fact that you're having a hard time. Bad news travels fast you know.
2. oh, yes!; that's it; I rememberUsually written using kana alone, said when recalling something
  • そうそう
  • その
  • ちょうし調子
That a boy!
3. that's right; quite; indeedUsually written using kana alone, expressing agreement or affirmation
然う然う: Rarely-used kanji form.


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