
1. uncleanness; impurity; defilement
2. disgrace; shame; stain; blot; corruption; depravity
  • おとうお父さん
  • はさん破産
  • かめい家名
  • けが汚れ
  • でした
Father's bankruptcy was a blot on the family's reputation.
3. uncleanliness from contact with death, pregnancy, menstruation, etc.
Wikipedia definition
4. Kegareis the Japanese term for a state of pollution and defilement, important particularly in Shinto as a religious term. Typical causes of kegare are the contact with any form of death, childbirth (for both parents), disease and menstruation. In Shinto kegare is a form of tsumi, which needs to be somehow remedied by the person responsible. This condition can be remedied through purification rites called misogi and harae.
Read “Kegare” on English Wikipedia
Read “穢れ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Kegare” on DBpedia
Other forms
穢れ 【けがれ】


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