
1. ranking
2. toplist (e.g. of WWW sites)
  • ランキング
  • さんか参加
  • ちゅう
  • です
  • おもしろ面白ければ
  • ポチッと
This site is in a toplist. If you found it interesting, please click!
Wikipedia definition
3. RankingA ranking is a relationship between a set of items such that, for any two items, the first is either 'ranked higher than', 'ranked lower than' or 'ranked equal to' the second. In mathematics, this is known as a weak order or total preorder of objects. It is not necessarily a total order of objects because two different objects can have the same ranking. The rankings themselves are totally ordered.
Read “Ranking” on English Wikipedia
Read “ランキング” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Ranking” on DBpedia


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