
1. innovation
Wikipedia definition
2. InnovationInnovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a new idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different rather than doing the same thing better.
Read “Innovation” on English Wikipedia
Read “イノベーション” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Innovation” on DBpedia
  • アイティーIT
  • を活用したイノベーションによって、私たちのライフスタイルも短期間で
  • げきてき劇的
  • に変わった。
IT-based innovations have dramatically changed our lifestyles over a short period of time.


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