
1. Chenopodiaceae (plant family; now included within family Amaranthaceae)Obsolete term
Wikipedia definition
2. ChenopodiaceaeChenopodiaceae were a family of flowering plants, also called the Goosefoot Family. They are now included within family Amaranthaceae. The vast majority of Chenopods are weeds, and many are salt and drought tolerant. A few food crops also belong to the family: spinach, beets, chard, quinoa, and sugar beets. Chenopod pollen is a common allergen, but most Chenopod crops do not produce pollen.
Read “Chenopodiaceae” on English Wikipedia
Read “アカザ科” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Chenopodiaceae” on DBpedia
Other forms
藜科 【あかざか】


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