

Words — 19 found

1. vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology
Wikipedia definition
2. VocabularyA person's vocabulary is the set of words within a langua... Read more
Other forms
語い 【ごい】
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1. (the extent of) one's vocabulary
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語い力 【ごいりょく】
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1. lexicon (of a person, branch of knowledge, etc.); vocabulary
2. lexicon; dictionary (esp. of ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, etc.)
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1. vocabulary notebook; ring of vocabulary flash cards
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1. newly introduced word (e.g. in a textbook); new word (to learn); new vocabulary
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1. elegant speech (esp. the use of the prefixes "o-" and "go-"); refined language; polite languageSee also 尊敬語, See also 丁寧語
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こと 言葉
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to exhaust one's vocabulary (in trying to persuade someone or explain something, etc.); to run out of words; to be verbose; to cajole; to talk someone's head off
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. appearing for the first time (esp. vocabulary, kanji, etc. in a school textbook)
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1. Basic English (simplified form of English with a vocabulary of 850 core words)
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Sentences — 16 found

  • jreibun/3310/2
    • ちょめい著名な
    • えいごりょく英語力
    • テストの場合には、
    • ひんしゅつ頻出
    • ごく語句
    • 載って
    • いる
    • たんごちょう単語帳
    • や、リスニング対策の問題集など、試験勉強に
    • やくだ役立つ
    • 教材が
    • かずおお数多く
    • しはん市販
    • されている。
    For the popular English proficiency tests, there are a number of materials available on the market to help students prepare, such as a vocabulary book with frequently tested words and phrases, and a collection of oral comprehension exam questions. Jreibun
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