

Words — 88 found

1. granulation tissue; proud flesh
Wikipedia definition
2. Granulation tissueGranulation tissue is the perfused, fibrous connective ti... Read more
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肉芽組織 【にくげそしき】
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1. cavernous body; body of (genital) erectile tissue (incl. corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum)Anatomy
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2. Corpus cavernosum penisThe corpus cavernosum penis is one of a pair of sponge-li... Read more
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1. kozo (paper); kōzogami; Japanese tissue made from the bark fibre of a paper mulberry treeSee also
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2. Japanese tissueJapanese tissue is a thin, strong paper made from vegetab... Read more
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楮紙 【ちょし】
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Noun, Suru verb
1. squeeze (play)Baseball
Noun, Suru verb
2. (in scuba diving) discomfort or pain caused by increasing water pressure compressing body air spaces and pushing body tissue inward
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3. Squeeze
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1. thin Japanese paper (used as tissue during the Edo period)Archaic, See also 杉原紙
2. Kosugihara
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小杉原 【こすぎわら】
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にっぽんけつごうそしきがっかい 日本結合組織学会
1. Japanese Society for Connective Tissue Research; JSCTROrganization name
2. Japanese Society for Connective Tissue Research; JSCTR
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1. judo therapy; traditional non-surgical osteopathic tissue and bone manipulation therapy
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1. high-quality Edo-period tissue paper (21 cm by 27 cm)
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延紙 【のべがみ】
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