

Words — 305 found

1. group theory; theory of groups
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2. Group theoryIn mathematics and abstract algebra, group theory studies... Read more
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1. heliocentric theory; Copernican theory; heliocentrism; heliocentricismSee also 天動説
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2. HeliocentrismHeliocentrism, or heliocentricism, is the astronomical mo... Read more
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まどろん 窓理論
1. broken windows theory; criminological theory stating that serious crime can be prevented by maintaining the good physical condition of an urban environment
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2. Broken windows theoryThe broken windows theory is a criminological theory of t... Read more
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1. biogenetic law; recapitulation theory (theory that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny)
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2. Recapitulation theoryThe theory of recapitulation, also called the biogenetic ... Read more
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こうばいりょくへいせつ 購買力平価説
1. purchasing power parity theory; PPP theoryEconomics
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2. Purchasing power parityIn economics, purchasing power parity (PPP) asks how much... Read more
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1. Ptolemaic theory; geocentric model; geocentrismSee also 地動説
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2. Geocentric modelIn astronomy, the geocentric model (also known as geocent... Read more
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1. coherence theory (theory that a proposition is true if it corresponds with a specified set of other propositions)See also 対応説
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こうせいたいろん 公議政体論
1. political theory focused on a parliamentary system; parliamentary regime theory
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ろん 理論
1. renormalization theory; renormalisation theoryPhysics
Other forms
繰込み理論 【くりこみりろん】
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1. correspondence theory (theory that a proposition is true if and only if it corresponds to the facts)See also 整合説
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1. established theory; accepted opinion; accepted explanation
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たたみうえすいれん 水練
1. useless book learning; knowing the theory but being unable to put it into practice; practising swimming on a tatami matIdiomatic expression, Jocular, humorous term
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げんだいへいろん 現代貨幣理論
1. modern monetary theory; modern money theory; MMTEconomics
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しんぶつどうたいせつ 神仏同体説
1. kami-buddha syncretization theory (e.g. manifestation theory)Rare term, See also 本地垂迹説
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1. essay on poetry; theory of poetry
Wikipedia definition
2. Ars PoeticaArs Poetica is a term meaning "The Art of Poetry" or "On ... Read more
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1. axiology; theory of value
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2. AxiologyAxiology is the philosophical study of value. It is eithe... Read more
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