

Words — 3 found

1. social science
Wikipedia definition
2. Social scienceSocial science is the field of study concerned with socie... Read more
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1. humanities; liberal arts; social science
2. literary course; department of literature
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1. the soft sciences (social science, humanities, etc.)See also 文学
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/4549/4
    • もんぶかがくしょう文部科学省
    • は、
    • こくみん国民
    • ひとり一人
    • ひとりが
    • しょうがい生涯
    • つう通じて
    • 学び続けることができるように、社会人の学び直しの促進や社会教育の活性化など
    • しょうがいがくしゅう生涯学習
    • すいしん推進
    • に取り組んでいる。
    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is working towards promoting lifelong learning, including promoting re-learning by adults and revitalizing social education so that each citizen can continue to learn throughout their life. Jreibun
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