

Words — 3 found

しゃかいてきせきにん 社会的責任
1. social responsibility; social accountability
Wikipedia definition
2. Social responsibilitySocial responsibility is an ethical ideology or theory th... Read more
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ぎょうしゃかいてきせきにん 企業社会的責任
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. corporate social responsibility; CSR
Wikipedia definition
2. Corporate social responsibilityCorporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corpora... Read more
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1. moratorium; period of grace; extension (of time, e.g. to make payments); cessation (for a period, e.g. nuclear testing)
2. postponement (of social responsibility); immaturity; not having developed emotional maturity; mental state of a young person who does not want to become an adultSee also モラトリアム人間 モラトリアムにんげん
Wikipedia definition
3. Moratorium
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