

Words — 1 found

Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. being jealous of someone over something but also thinking they should be sentenced to death over it (esp. of male teachers having sexual relations with their students)Internet slang, Jocular, humorous term
Other forms
うらやま死刑 【うらやましけい】羨ま死刑 【うらやましけい】
裏山死刑: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
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Sentences — 3 found

  • jreibun/3276/1
    • へや部屋
    • を借りようと思う時は、広さや
    • まど間取り
    • やちん家賃
    • はもちろん、
    • つきづき月々
    • の管理費や
    • にねん2年
    • ごとの
    • こうしんりょう更新料
    • なども考慮に
    • 入れて
    • 、物件をよく
    • ぎんみ吟味
    • したほうがいい。
    When thinking about renting a room, you should carefully examine the property while considering not only the size, layout, and rent, but also the monthly management fee and the renewal fee incurred every two years. Jreibun
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