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Words — 138 found

1. humble samurai who served as a body guard on footSee also 徒侍
2. bodyguards in service of the shogun who would walk ahead of him on an outing (Edo period)See also 徒士組 かちぐみ
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1. certificate; certified document; authorization; authorisationSee also お墨付き おすみつき
2. (the) thumbs up; seal of approval
3. paper with signature of the shogun or lordSee also お墨付き おすみつき, original meaning
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1. indigenous person; inhabitant of a country
2. local; nativeOnly applies to くにびと
3. local lords and samuraiHistorical term
4. daimyo who did not leave his domains to meet the shogun in Kyoto (during the Muromachi period)Historical term, Only applies to くにうど, Only applies to くにゅうど, See also 在国衆
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5. Ji-samuraiThe ji-zamurai, also known as kokujin, were lords of smal... Read more
Other forms
国人 【くにびと】国人 【こくにん】国人 【くにうど】国人 【くにゅうど】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. audience (with a lord, dignitary, etc.); interview
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. first (public) appearance; debut; coming out (on the market)
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
3. trial service (of a servant); probationHistorical term
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
4. audience with a shogun (granted to a vassal; Edo period); right to have an audience with a shogunHistorical term
Other forms
お目見得 【おめみえ】
お目見得: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. inner palace (in Edo Castle); palace's ladies chambers; shogun's haremSee also 江戸城
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2. ŌokuThe Ōoku refers to the harem of Edo Castle, the section w... Read more
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1. terauke system; system established by the Edo shogunate that required citizens to register with a temple in order to prove their Buddhist (i.e. non-Christian) faithHistorical term
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2. Danka systemThe danka system, also known as jidan system is a system ... Read more
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1. Shinsengumi; Edo-period police and military force dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activitiesHistorical term
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2. ShinsengumiFor the NHK television series, see Shinsengumi!. The Shin... Read more
Other forms
新撰組 【しんせんぐみ】
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1. Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333)Historical term
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2. Kamakura shogunateThe Kamakura shogunate was a military dictatorship in Jap... Read more
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1. shogunate marital union with the Imperial familyHistorical term
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2. Kōbu gattaiKōbu gattai was a policy in Bakumatsu Japan aiming at obt... Read more
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1. Boshin War (Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces; 1868-1869)Historical term
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2. Boshin WarThe Boshin War was a civil war in Japan, fought from 1868... Read more
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1. merchant guild entrusted by the shogunate to manage its respective trade (Edo period)Historical term
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2. KabunakamaKabunakama (株仲間) were merchant guilds in Edo period Japan... Read more
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1. regent to the shogunate
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2. ShikkenThe Shikken was the regent for the shogun in the Kamakura... Read more
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1. Japanese medieval text that chronicles events of the Kamakura Shogunate
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2. Azuma KagamiThe Azuma Kagami, or "mirror of the east", is a Japanese ... Read more
Other forms
吾妻鏡 【あづまかがみ】東鑑 【あずまかがみ】東鑑 【あづまかがみ】
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1. governmental position of the shogunate, responsible for the management of temples and shrines
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2. Jisha-bugyōJisha-bugyō was a "commissioner" or an "overseer" of the ... Read more
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1. red seal ship; shogunate-licensed trading shipArchaic
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2. Red seal shipsFor the RCA or RCA Victor record series, see RCA Red Seal... Read more
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1. schooner style ship built at the end of the Shogunate
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2. Russian schooner HedaHeda (ヘダ号) was a schooner built by the Russian sailors of... Read more
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しょはっ 武家諸法度
1. law decreeing rules for daimyo during Tokugawa shogunateHistorical term
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2. Buke shohattoThe Buke shohatto (武家諸法度, lit. Various Points of Laws for... Read more
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1. Edo shogunate (1603-1867); Tokugawa shogunateHistorical term, See also 徳川幕府
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2. Tokugawa shogunateThe Tokugawa shogunate, also known as the Tokugawa bakufu... Read more
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1. imperial lands
2. shogun's demesne
3. Tenryou
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