Words — 26 found
1. thief (particularly in RPG games)
- オッケーOK
- が
- で出た
- ので 、
- おも思わず グラスランナー
- の
- シーフ ・
- バード
- という
- ベタな
- キャラ
- を
- つく作っ
- ちゃいました
- よ 。
1. Shin Megami Tensei (immediate successor series to the original Megami Tensei RPG series)Product name
2. Shin Megami Tensei (immediate successor series to the original Megami Tensei RPG series)
1. Seiken Densetsu (lit: Holy Sword Legend), a.k.a. "... of Mana" (RPG series)Product name
2. Seiken Densetsu (lit: Holy Sword Legend), a.k.a. "... of Mana" (RPG series)
1. Final Fantasy (RPG series)Product name
2. Final Fantasy (RPG series)
3. Final Fantasy (video game)is a fantasy role-playing video game created by Hironobu ... Read more
1. Phantasy Star (RPG series)Product name
2. Phantasy Star (RPG series)
3. Phantasy Star (video game)is the first installment in Sega's renowned series of the... Read more
1. dispel (esp. magic or potion used to return one's character to normal status in an RPG, etc.)
1. face with no make-upUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial
- すっぴん
- は
- は恥ずかしい
- ので
- あまり
- み見ないで
- くだ下さい 。
2. sobrietyUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial
3. having no class (e.g. in a RPG); (being) joblessVideo games, Usually written using kana alone