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Words — 36 found

1. voiced repetition mark in hiragana
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1. kanji repetition markSee also 同の字点
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1. repeating a school grade; grade retention; grade repetition
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2. Grade retentionGrade retention or grade repetition is the process of hav... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb
1. (putting a song etc. on) endless repeat; endless repetition
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ひゃくけいさん 計算
1. method of learning through repetition which involves multiplying and other calculations carried out on a 10-by-10 grid of numbers
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百ます計算 【ひゃくますけいさん】
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1. (vertical) iteration mark used to represent repetition of the previous kanji (to be read using its kun'yomi)See also 々 のま, See also 二の字点
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1. determined purpose
2. an incredibly short span of time (i.e. the time occupied by a single thought)Buddhism
3. a single repetition of a prayer (esp. in Jodo-shu)Buddhism, See also 浄土宗
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Adverb (fukushi), Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. sparsely; drop-by-dropUsually written using kana alone
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. on par with; as good asUsually written using kana alone
3. (vertical) iteration mark used to represent repetition of the previous kanji (to be read using its kun'yomi)Usually written using kana alone, See also
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点点 【ちょぼちょぼ】チョボチョボ
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反復法 (修辞技法)
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1. Repetition (rhetorical device)Repetition is the simple repeating of a word, within a se... Read more
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1. iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark
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2. Iteration markIteration marks are characters or punctuation marks that ... Read more
Other forms
踊字 【おどりじ】躍り字 【おどりじ】躍字 【おどりじ】
踊字: Irregular okurigana usage.
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1. iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)See also 踊り字
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1. iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto markSee also 踊り字 おどりじ
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おくり字 【おくりじ】
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1. iteration mark shaped like the hiragana "ku" (used in vertical writing to represent repetition of two or more characters)See also 踊り字
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しゅう 周期
1. saros period (approx. 18 years and 11 days between repetition of eclipses); saros cycleAstronomy
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2. Saros (astronomy)The saros Listen/ˈsɛərɒs/ is a period of 223 synodic mont... Read more
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1. saros period (approx. 18 years and 11 days between repetition of eclipses); saros cycleAstronomy, Abbreviation, See also サロス周期
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1. Repetition codeIn coding theory, the repetition code is one of the most ... Read more
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