

Words — 49 found

1. plastic moulding over cables to prevent damage by wheels; cable protectorWasei, word made in Japan, From English “wagon mould”. Wasei (word made in Japan)
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1. orca (Orcinus orca); killer whale; grampusUsually written using kana alone
2. shachi; mythical carp with the head of a tiger and the body of a fish, considered auspicious protectors of well-beingAbbreviation, See also 鯱 しゃちほこ
3. roof ornament in the shape of a shachi (believed to provide protection against fire by causing rain to fall)Abbreviation, See also 鯱 しゃちほこ
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4. Killer whaleThe killer whale (Orcinus orca), commonly referred to as ... Read more
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あんとう 安東都護府
1. Protectorate General to Pacify the East (Tang-period Chinese office established in Pyongyang in 668 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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2. Protectorate General to Pacify the EastThe Protectorate-General to Pacify the East was a short-l... Read more
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1. protectorate
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2. ProtectorateIn history, the term protectorate has two different meani... Read more
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1. kimnara (celestial musicians and protectors of Buddhism)Buddhism
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2. KinnaraFor the social group or caste amongst the Sinhalese of Sr... Read more
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えんぜん 燕然都護府
1. Protectorate General to Pacify the North (Tang-period Chinese office established in Inner Mongolia in 669 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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せいいき 西域都護府
1. Protectorate General of the Western Regions (Han-period Chinese office established in East Turkestan in 60 BCE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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あんせい 安西都護府
1. Protectorate General to Pacify the West (Tang-period Chinese office established in Xinjiang in 640 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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1. mahoraga (protectors of Buddhism depicted as giant serpents)Buddhism
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1. gandharva (heavenly musicians and protectors of Buddhism)Buddhism
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1. protectorate (country); dependency; dependent state
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1. Protectorate General (Han and Tang-period Chinese office)Historical term, See also 都護
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アンナンとごふ 安南都護府
1. Protectorate General of Annam (Han-period Chinese office established in Hanoi in 622 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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2. Annam (Chinese province)Annam or Jiaozhi was the southernmost province of the Chi... Read more
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1. shachihoko; shachi; mythical animal with the head of a tiger and the body of a fish
2. roof ornament in the shape of a shachihoko (believed to provide protection against fire by causing rain to fall)
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3. ShachihokoA shachihoko is an animal in Japanese folklore with the h... Read more
Other forms
鯱鉾 【しゃちほこ】鯱 【しゃっちょこ】鯱 【さちほこ】
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ぜんうとごふ 単于都護府
1. Protectorate General of the Central Asian Nomadic Lands (Chinese office established in Inner Mongolia in 650 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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ほくてい 北庭都護府
1. Protectorate General of Beiting (Tang-period Chinese office established in Xinjiang in 702 CE)Historical term, See also 都護府
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1. Protectorate General to Pacify BeitingThe Protectorate General of Beiting, Protectorate-General... Read more
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1. Protectorate of Bohemia and MoraviaThe Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (German: Protekto... Read more
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1. Protectorate General to Pacify the NorthThe Protectorate General to Pacify the North or Grand Pro... Read more
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